Several events of interest occurred in the last six months in the world
of my photography that are worth mentioning. In September 2012 a
photograph was selected for the New Hampshire Art Association Parfitt
show in Portsmouth NH sponsored by the NH Art Association. The show ran
for the month of September at the Levy gallery in Portsmouth. The photograph was one I made at the Heald
Tract in Wilton, NH of reflections and foam from flowing water in a
brook. I also submitted the photo Beaver Pond, but this was not
selected. If I were judging and had to select only one photo I would
have chosen the Beaver Pond photo because of it's deeper content. The
reflection photo has perhaps more dramatic interest but not as much
depth. (see
Spring Brook, Heald Tract Wilton NH 2012 |
Beaver Pond, Heald Tract Wilton NH 2012 |
A photograph I submitted to the "Box Squared" exhibition for the
Center of Fine Art Photography in Ft.Collins, CO was accepted for their
show that is currently ongoing. I submitted several shell photographs
to that contest where a shell was enclosed in an open box; these were
done several years ago and were included in my shell folio for the
Sharon Arts Center in 2011. (see
Conch Shell Odalisk #2, 2009 |
Conch Shell in a Box, 2009 |
Conch Shell Odalisk #1, 2009 |
The annual Sharon Arts Center membership show is ongoing and I have the Heald Track Beaver Pond photo hanging in there.
projects include completion of a photo travel book from our Italy trip
last November and the creation of a folio of photographs of flowers and
another of forests. Further details of these should be forthcoming in
future blogs.